Hex File Crc 16 Calculator Checksum

 Posted admin
  1. Crc16 Checksum Calculator
The CRC should be of the data portion of the file, not the ascii file you are looking at (you will have to look at the data portion only to get the same CRC). Take a look at page 3 of this note for the format of the hex file:
That said, I would expect the file was created correctly. If you want to validate the entire file later to make sure it was not corrupted, probably the easiest way is to stuff it in a .zip file for example for storage since .zip can include a CRC of the files it stores. You could also use something like an MD5 sum or one of the other formats that people publish along with files you can download to make it easy to verify the download was correct. It depends whether you are trying to validate the data portion of the hex file or verify the entire hex file is valid/has not been altered.
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Crc16 Checksum Calculator

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