The Key Muscles Of Hatha Yoga Ebook Torrent

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Including the original Sanskrit text of the Hatha Yoga. 75-77 Perfection of hatha yoga and raja yoga, through kevala. Kundalini is the key to liberation.

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From New York Times Featured Author

With more than 200 color photos of more than 40 common yoga postures, plus detailed instructions and intuitive cues, Yoga's Touch is an easy-to-use reference book designed to empower you to be a more effective, versatile and confident teacher.

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The Key Muscles Of Hatha Yoga By Ray Long

Martia Bennett Rachman, E-RYT 500 and LMBT, has taught thousands of classes and has trained hundreds of yoga teachers. Renowned for combining therapeutic touch with specific asanas to strengthen and heal the body, she has witnessed firsthand how effective hands-on adjustments can be. However, many teachers--especially new ones--shy away from giving adjustments due to lack of confidence or uncertainty about the precisions of a posture. Yoga's Touch is unique in that, in addition to dramatic, detailed photos of both asanas and adjustments, this easy-to-use reference book offers:

* Instructions on the specifics of teaching more than 40 of the most popular yoga postures

* Details on how the body works kinesthetically

* Emphasis on how prana is affected in a yoga posture

* Precise guidance on what and how to touch once a student is in a posture

While other programs address one or two of those elements, Martia's signature YogaTouch Method℠ and her diverse background show the interconnectivity of all these elements, within individual postures and throughout a practice--which can be applied regardless of an instructor's teaching style or yoga lineage. This unique yet universal approach to teaching is what makes Yoga's Touch the definitive guide for teachers, studios, and training programs.


This book is the definitive guide to hands-on adjustments, alignment and verbal cues for new and experienced yoga instructors!

The Key Muscles Of Hatha Yoga

Also available in paperback, and don't forget to check out our quick reference guide poster, the perfect supplement to Yoga's Touch. Save on the bundle, which includes both the paperback book and the quick reference guide poster.